Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) - Crop Insurance

Radhika Khurana

10/15/20222 min read

man in white t-shirt and blue denim shorts with blue backpack walking on green grass
man in white t-shirt and blue denim shorts with blue backpack walking on green grass

The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) is a government initiative aimed at providing crop insurance to farmers across India. This scheme, launched in 2016, aims to protect farmers from financial losses due to crop failure or damage caused by natural calamities, pests, or diseases. The Orison Foundation, in collaboration with PMFBY, has taken up the task of promoting crop insurance awareness and facilitating the enrollment of small and marginal farmers. In the village of Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, the Orison Foundation organized training sessions for farmers to educate them about the benefits of crop insurance. These sessions focused on explaining the various aspects of the PMFBY scheme, including the coverage provided, the premium rates, and the claim settlement process. The aim was to empower farmers with knowledge and enable them to make informed decisions regarding their agricultural practices. As a result of these efforts, there has been a significant increase in the number of farmers availing insurance coverage. Saharanpur witnessed a 50% rise in the enrollment of farmers into the PMFBY scheme, highlighting the success of the collaboration between the Orison Foundation and PMFBY in creating awareness and facilitating enrollment. Crop insurance plays a crucial role in providing financial security to farmers. It acts as a safety net, ensuring that farmers do not suffer significant losses in the event of crop failure or damage. By participating in the PMFBY scheme, farmers can protect their investments and secure their livelihoods. The scheme offers coverage for pre-sowing to post-harvest losses, including losses due to prevented sowing, standing crop, and localized calamities. The Orison Foundation's collaboration with PMFBY is a significant step towards reaching out to small and marginal farmers who often face challenges in accessing crop insurance. By organizing training sessions and providing information about the scheme, the foundation aims to bridge the gap and enable farmers to avail the benefits of crop insurance. In addition to promoting awareness, the Orison Foundation also facilitates the enrollment process for farmers. They assist farmers in understanding the documentation requirements, filling out application forms, and submitting them to the relevant authorities. This support ensures that farmers can navigate the administrative procedures smoothly and avail the benefits of the PMFBY scheme without any hassle. Crop insurance is a crucial tool in mitigating the risks faced by farmers and ensuring their financial security. The collaboration between the Orison Foundation and PMFBY is a commendable effort towards creating awareness and facilitating the enrollment of small and marginal farmers. By empowering farmers with knowledge and providing assistance in the enrollment process, the collaboration aims to improve the overall resilience of the agricultural sector and protect the livelihoods of farmers across India.